Krissi Judd worked to serve the needs of veterans and first responders for over a decade in the Veteran’s Administration when she observed that there were some huge gaps in the services she was able to provide. In many cases, veterans were slipping through these gaps, resulting in great loss to not only their quality of life, but their life itself. This played out time and time again.
Krissi attempted to address these within “the system” but, time after time, her inquiries were not addressed. Finally, in 2014, she decided that the only way to help fill these gaps was to do it herself, and LP³ (Love–Pray–Peace–Project) was born.
Since 2015, Krissi has partnered with many different organizations to serve veterans in a number of capacities, including volunteering at Stand Down, Vets Serving Vets, and Veteran’s Listening Post, feeding homeless veterans, clothing and blanket drives. In addition, Krissi has been instrumental in housing a dozen veteran families in Philadelphia in their own homes, as well as providing her expertise free of charge to countless veterans and their families to provide accessibility to:
Krissi is looking for every opportunity to deliver help to an ever growing number of veterans and their families, and appreciates any help to better serve our heroes in their time of need.
Monday to Sunday: 6AM to 10PM
The latest information about how the support of you and others is changing the lives of our nation's heroes. Directly to your inbox.
Love Pray Peace Project